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Internal Funding Opportunities

Welcome! The UCLA Internal Funding Opportunities site offers a searchable listing of funding opportunities sponsored by UCLA and/or other University of California units. This service for the UCLA community is managed by the Research Enhancement Office within the Office for Research and Creative Activities. If you have an opportunity to include in the listing, please use the Submit an Opportunity form to provide the requested information.

The information below is from the 2023 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

The Center for the Study of Women offers grants to all UCLA ladder faculty for research development, new project development that may lead to external funding opportunities through CSW, and project completion that could be considered for CSW publications (policy briefs, research reports).

Administering Unit
Center for the Study of Women (UCLA)

The information below is from the 2022 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

UCLA Health has launched the UCLA Health Innovation Challenge to provide faculty, staff, trainees, patients, caregivers, volunteers, and UCLA students, the opportunity to help advance long-lasting health and wellness solutions.

Administering Unit
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Proposals are now being accepted for the Faculty Career Development Award program (FCDA). This program provides funding for regular rank Assistant Professors and Assistant Professors-in-Residence at a critical time in the pre-tenure stage. The funding is to assist faculty as they advance an on-going research project, creative activity, or as they embark on a new project. Awards are made in the form of a lump-sum of $5,000 – $15,000 in research funds. Please note that funding is allocated for the AY 23-24 and does not renew.

Administering Unit
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (UCLA EDI)

The information below is from the 2023 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

Administering Unit
Institute of American Cultures (UCLA)
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities (UCLA)

The information is from the 2023 funding cycle. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.

The California Collaborative for Pandemic Recovery and Readiness Research (CPR³) is excited to announce research funding opportunities through RFP mechanisms focused on improving the health and wellbeing of people throughout the state of California, especially the most vulnerable residents. 

Administering Unit
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

The information below is from the 2023 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

With strategic funding from the Chancellor’s Office, the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Center for Community Engagement is pleased to announce the availability of five $10,000 awards for Community-Engaged Scholars. This program will annually support a cohort of UCLA ladder faculty who will advance community-engaged research and integrate this work within undergraduate education.

Administering Unit
Center for Community Engagement (UCLA)

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) is pleased to announce a new grant funding program, the ORCA Acceleration Grants (OAG). As a public research university, UCLA’s mission is “the creation, dissemination, preservation and application of knowledge for the betterment of our global society.” These grants build on ORCA’s commitment to this mission. They are intended to support research and creative activities that expand our knowledge in meaningful ways and drive positive change in society.

Administering Unit
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities (UCLA)

The Institute for American Cultures (IAC) in collaboration with the Office of Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the Racial and Social Justice (RSJ) Grants Program. These RSJ grants are designed to help launch and support research projects demonstrably centered on exploring the sources and consequences of racial inequities and social justice. The goal of the Racial and Social Justice Grants is to facilitate investigators’ preparedness for attaining extramural funding.

Administering Unit
Institute of American Cultures (UCLA)
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities (UCLA)

The information below is from the 2022-2023 funding cycle. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.

Administering Unit
Chancellor’s Council on the Arts (UCLA CCoA)

The DGSOM Office of Postdoctoral Affairs for Biomedical and Life Sciences has a website which features training opportunities, research assistance resources, and funding opportunities for postdoctoral scholars. If you are biomedical or life science postdoctoral scholar, you may wish to bookmark the page and subscribe to their newsletter.  

Administering Unit
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA (DGSOM)

The information below is from the 2023-2024 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

The UCLA Institute of American Cultures (IAC) invites applications for support of research on African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Chicanas/os for 2023-2024. The Institute also invites proposals on interethnic relations that will increase collaboration between the Centers and/or between the Centers and other campus units.

Administering Unit
Institute of American Cultures (UCLA)

The information below is from the 2023-2024 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

The Institute of American Cultures (IAC) has made funds available annually through its visiting scholar and fellowship programs and its research grants. These awards have resulted in the publication of hundreds of books, monographs, and articles as well as the completion of many dissertations, master’s theses, and MFA film projects.  They have contributed significantly to the fund of new knowledge about America’s underrepresented populations.

Administering Unit
Institute of American Cultures (UCLA)

The information below is from the 2021 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

The Younes & Soraya Nazarian Center for Israel Studies promotes the study of the history, culture and society of Israel as a modern Jewish and democratic state. The Center offers grants and fellowships to UCLA faculty, UCLA graduate and undergraduate students, and postdoctoral researchers with an interest in the field of Israel Studies.  There are numerous funding opportunities. Current offerings include:

Administering Unit
Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies (UCLA)

This Award consists of a monograph manuscript (or equivalent) workshop organized by CSW-IAC to promote continuing excellence in scholarship by UCLA professors at the associate level addressing questions important to the fields of critical race and postcolonial studies and/or gender, sexuality, and ethnic studies.

Go to Application Homepage

Administering Unit
Center for the Study of Women (UCLA)

UC Research and Innovation is pleased to announce the release of the 2023 Request for Proposals (RFP) for the California Climate Action Research Initiative. This funding opportunity is part of a historic partnership between the University and the state of California to combat climate change through investments in climate action research that will have swift and measurable impact.

Administering Unit
University of California

The information below is from the 2023 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

Iris Cantor-UCLA Women's Health Center and UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UCLA CTSI) have three funding opportunities available to researchers—pilot funding, augmentation of major research and young investigator awards:

Administering Unit
Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UCLA CTSI)

The information below is from the 2023-2024 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

IGCC addresses global challenges to peace and prosperity through academically rigorous, policy-relevant research, training, and outreach on international security, economic development, and the
environment. IGCC seeks to support dissertations around research topics that closely track current global security priorities.

Administering Unit
UC Institute of Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) - UCSD

To help develop a pipeline of dedicated tobacco control researchers and advocates, the Tobacco Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP) Smoke and Vape Free Scholars Initiative (SVFSI) will support mentorship and training programs for undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and master’s students from tobacco priority populations to conduct mentored tobacco-related research, while also participating in local tobacco control projects and other educational activities.

Administering Unit
Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program of California (TRDRP)-UC


Important Note These opportunities have been collated for the benefit of the campus community, but in all cases viewers should refer to the pages of the hosting unit for the most current/accurate information.