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Chancellor’s Award for Community-Engaged Scholars

The information below is from the 2023 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information. 

With strategic funding from the Chancellor’s Office, the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Center for Community Engagement is pleased to announce the availability of five $10,000 awards for Community-Engaged Scholars. This program will annually support a cohort of UCLA ladder faculty who will advance community-engaged research and integrate this work within undergraduate education.

Community-engaged research, in this context, encompasses research and creative work across all fields that address an agenda of social justice and create reciprocal value with community partners. At its best, community-engaged research both achieves high levels of scholarly recognition within a field and advances efforts to redress social inequalities.

The Program:  Community-Engaged Scholars will participate in the following activities during 2023–2024:

  • A one-day workshop on best practices for teaching undergraduate community-engaged research (to be scheduled in September 2023)
  • A once-per-quarter meeting of the Community-Engaged Scholars cohort to advance their work on undergraduate community-engaged research course design, culminating in presentation of a new syllabus by Spring Quarter 2024.

The Scholars will then work with their department chair to schedule this new undergraduate course during AY 2024-25 or 2025-26.

Go to Application Homepage

Award Amount and Details

Award Amount
Award Details

Each Community-Engaged Scholar will receive an award of $10,000 to be transferred to the awardee’s research fund. Center for Community Engagement staff will also work with each awardee to secure funding to support TAs and other course implementation costs.

Deadlines and Date Information

Due Date

The due dates listed below are the most recent due dates our office is aware of. Please see the opportunity home page for information about potential upcoming deadlines or other opportunities. 

To apply:  Submit the following items to by April 7, 2023:

  1. Proposal (2-3 pages)
    • Identify your community-engaged research agenda.
    • Describe the community partners with whom you currently work, and identify community partners with whom you anticipate working for this next stage of your research agenda.
    • Discuss your preliminary ideas for creating an undergraduate course that advances your community-engaged research. Describe your communication with your prospective community partners about this idea for an undergraduate community-engaged research course. (Within the frame of your research, such a course would create opportunities for undergraduates to work reciprocally with community partners to understand social inequalities and advance social justice.)
    • Please note when you propose to launch this course, either during AY 2023-24 or  2025-26.
  2. Your CV (please underscore community-engaged scholarly activity and achievement)
  3. Evidence of support from your department chair indicating that your proposed course could be incorporated into the department’s future course offerings.

Eligibility Information

Who's Eligible
Members of the Academic Senate
Eligibility Details

Eligibility: All UCLA ladder faculty.

Information Source
Information provided by administering unit

Administering Unit
Center for Community Engagement (UCLA)
Funding Type
Curriculum / Course Development
Important Note These opportunities have been collated for the benefit of the campus community, but in all cases viewers should refer to the pages of the hosting unit for the most current/accurate information.