The Community – Engaged Course Development Program will support UCLA instructors in developing new community-engaged courses at the undergraduate, graduate and /or professional level. Priority will be given to proposals for new courses that can be integrated into and sustained within the curriculum of developments undergraduate, graduate, or professional program. Further details on the responsibilities of grantees and the application process can be found on the application homepage.
Internal Funding Opportunities
Welcome! The UCLA Internal Funding Opportunities site offers a searchable listing of funding opportunities sponsored by UCLA and/or other University of California units. This service for the UCLA community is managed by the Research Enhancement Office within the Office for Research and Creative Activities. If you have an opportunity to include in the listing, please use the Submit an Opportunity form to provide the requested information.
The NRS Field Science Fellowship provides financial support to UC undergraduate faculty teams conducting scientific research in the field at NRS reserves. These fellowships enable students to focus on gaining valuable hands-on research experience under the guidance of a faculty researcher.
The Iris Cantor-UCLA Women’s Health Center/UCLA National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health seeks to promote comprehensive health care for women by providing support for research to understand human sex differences in health and disease and medical issues and diseases unique to women, as well as to develop and test clinical interventions for women. An equally important component of the Iris Cantor-UCLA Women’s Health Center/UCLA National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health mission is training future leaders in women’s health research.
CBCRP is issuing an open Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to fund a PI and their team to conduct a review of the provision of fertility preservation services to young breast cancer patients in California, patients’ awareness of these services, whether disparities exist in the provision of treatments or awareness of them; the impact of California SB 600; and to convene a panel of California stakeholders to consider their findings and suggest effective policy interventions to address these issues.
The information below is from the 2024 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.
Alianza MX provides funding for UC graduate students to complete research stays of up to 3 months in Mexico, with the objective of supporting the pursuit of specific research objectives. Research activities should focus on topics that are specific to Mexico; topics on California-Mexico or US-Mexico relations; topics of comparative analysis between Mexico and California or the United States; or binational solutions to strategically important multi-disciplinary challenges in areas such as climate change, health, or migration.
The California Breast Cancer Research Program is re-releasing this initiative. This funding opportunity is to examine whether breast cancer risk is higher among individuals in low-wage hourly positions and to develop interventions for risks associated with night shift work.
The program is seeking applications related to the topics below. Applicants can submit an application for Project 1 or Project 2, but will only be funded for one.
The California Firefighter Cancer Prevention and Research Program is pleased to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the 2024 award year.
The information below is from the 2023-2024 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.
The mission of the California Breast Cancer Research Program (CBCRP) is to prevent and eliminate breast cancer by leading innovation in research, communication, and collaboration in the California scientific and lay communities. It is administered by the Research Grants Program Office within the University of California Office of the President. Each year, CBCRP administers multiple funding opportunities.
The information below is from the 2023-2024 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.
Presented by the Academic Senate and the Teaching and Learning Center, the awards recognize teachers for their achievements. Anyone who teaches graduate and/or undergraduate students, and meets the program’s criteria, may be nominated. The goal of the awards is to increase awareness of UCLA’s leadership in teaching and public service by honoring individuals who bring respect and admiration to teaching at UCLA.
The information below is from the 2023-2024 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.
Through the UC-HBCU Initiative, the Office of the President encourages UC faculty to actively engage in collaboration and cooperation with faculty and students at HBCUs. Such efforts serve to strengthen and enrich our mission of teaching, research and public service.
The information below is from the 2023-24 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.
The UCLA Technology Development Group (TDG) is soliciting applications for the 2023 UCLA TDG x Aioi Cleantech for Mobility Pitch Day.
TDG seeks to sponsor research for clean technologies that improve the mobility and transportation ecosystems. Areas of interest include but are not limited to energy storage/batteries, energy generation/production, road construction, vehicle design, and vehicle operation. Other related areas are also encouraged to apply.
Accepted proposing teams will work with the TDG group to prepare for a pitch day December 6, 2023.
Mini-grants were initiated by the Faculty Advisory Committee on Instructional Improvement Programs (CIIP) in recognition that even small sums of money could stimulate experimentation and improve curricula and pedagogy. The Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) provides Mini-Grants to instructors who teach regular undergraduate courses, for the purpose of defraying the cost of certain course enhancements. These funds cannot be used to supplement standard departmental supplies and expense budgets.
The California Institute for Energy and Environment at the University of California, Berkeley, in partnership with the California Natural Resources Agency and the Fifth Assessment team, is pleased to announce a request for proposals to fund critical climate change research.
The UC-Hispanic Serving Institutions Doctoral Diversity Initiative (UC-HSI DDI) aims to enhance faculty diversity and pathways to the professoriate for underrepresented students from California Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs). The UC-HSI DDI program includes two components:
The Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP) is an intensive and highly competitive interdisciplinary program that unites undergraduates in their first research experiences in urban sustainability.
The UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy invites proposals from UCLA faculty for grants to support research related to the Institute’s key research themes:
As part of the Mellon Foundation’s inaugural higher learning open call on Race and Racialization in the United States, the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy invites proposals from UCLA faculty for grants to support research that is in close collaboration with a movement-based or community-based organization around topics broadly conceived as housing and land. This opportunity is part of the “Housing the Third Reconstruction” project (PI Ananya Roy/co-PI Robin D.G.
The information below is from the 2023 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.
In collaboration with the David Geffen School of Medicine, the College divisions of Life and Physical Sciences, the School of Dentistry and UCLA Health, the Technology Development Group (TDG) is pleased to announce that applications for the UCLA Innovation Fund are now open.
The STAND for Community Colleges Innovation Center, UCLA’s new NIMH-funded ALACRITY Center, housed within the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge, invites applications for pilot study funding for projects during Year 2 of the ALACRITY P50 grant.
This pilot project funding is available for UCLA-based junior investigators for high-quality, innovative research that focuses on:
The information below is from the 2023 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.
The Center for the Study of Women offers grants to all UCLA ladder faculty for research development, new project development that may lead to external funding opportunities through CSW, and project completion that could be considered for CSW publications (policy briefs, research reports).
The information below is from the 2022 request for proposals. Please see the opportunity website for updated information.
UCLA Health has launched the UCLA Health Innovation Challenge to provide faculty, staff, trainees, patients, caregivers, volunteers, and UCLA students, the opportunity to help advance long-lasting health and wellness solutions.