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ORCA Acceleration Grants (OAG)

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) is pleased to announce a new grant funding program, the ORCA Acceleration Grants (OAG). As a public research university, UCLA’s mission is “the creation, dissemination, preservation and application of knowledge for the betterment of our global society.” These grants build on ORCA’s commitment to this mission. They are intended to support research and creative activities that expand our knowledge in meaningful ways and drive positive change in society. With this mission, the OAG program complements ORCA’s Public Impact Research (PIR) Awards, which recognize faculty whose research or other creative work has had a significant beneficial public impact. While both programs address the impact of research and creative activities, the OA Grants are positioned at a much earlier stage in realizing that impact, catalyzing activities that could eventually be recognized with a PIR Award.

For the purpose of the ORCA Acceleration Grants, the term “impact” is defined broadly to include any research and/or creative activities positioned to have a demonstrable effect and/or influence on the betterment of society. Examples of this include (but are not limited to):

  • Deploying knowledge for public benefit (such as policy or behavioral change)
  • Expanding or deepening the impact of a field of knowledge 
  • Generating/disseminating knowledge in novel ways
  • Challenging existing conventions to improve opportunities, access, equity, and/or justice
  • Bridging divides between traditional fields of study
  • Expanding access to and/or preservation of knowledge
  • Creating new audiences for knowledge and/or creative activities 
  • Impacting local, national, and/or global communities

Grants may be used to advance work-in-progress or to begin a new endeavor. In all cases, there should be a clear articulation of the anticipated outcomes and the effects they will have. Recognizing that impact may not look the same across disciplines, the degree of impact should be contextualized within the given field. In addition, there should be a clear case for why the proposed work cannot be funded through another source.

Go to Application Homepage

Award Amount and Details

Award Amount
Award Details

It is anticipated that 8-10 projects will be funded, with a maximum award of up to $30,000 per project.

Deadlines and Date Information

Due Date

The due dates listed below are the most recent due dates our office is aware of. Please see the opportunity home page for information about potential upcoming deadlines or other opportunities.

  • Application opens: February 2023
  • Application due date: Wednesday, March 27, 2023, 11:59 PM
  • Announcement of Awards: May 2023
  • Project Start/Funding Date: June 2023

Eligibility Information

Who's Eligible
Academic appointees
Members of the Academic Senate
Eligibility Details
  • Projects must have one lead principal investigator (PI) 
  • Projects may have up to three Co-PIs
  • Visiting faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and individuals without UCLA appointments are not eligible to serve as the PI or Co-PI, although they may serve as collaborators.   

Preference will be given to projects led by a PI with a primary appointment in a department or unit affiliated with one of the following Divisions or Schools:

  • Anderson School of Management
  • School of Education & Information Studies
  • Herb Alpert School of Music
  • Humanities Division
  • Luskin School of Public Affairs  
  • School of the Arts & Architecture  
  • School of Law
  • School of Theater, Film & Television
  • Social Sciences Division

The following activities are not eligible for funding under this mechanism:

  • Seminars, courses, or curricular development
  • Conferences or conference support, workshops, or training programs
  • Publishing subventions (Open Access publishing fees of up to $7,000 may be included.)
Information Source
Information identified by Office of Research & Creative Activities staff

Administering Unit
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities (UCLA)
Funding Type
Important Note These opportunities have been collated for the benefit of the campus community, but in all cases viewers should refer to the pages of the hosting unit for the most current/accurate information.