CBCRP is issuing an open Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to fund a PI and their team to conduct a review of the provision of fertility preservation services to young breast cancer patients in California, patients’ awareness of these services, whether disparities exist in the provision of treatments or awareness of them; the impact of California SB 600; and to convene a panel of California stakeholders to consider their findings and suggest effective policy interventions to address these issues.
Below is the most recent policy initiative of which we are aware. Please check the program homepage for the most up-to-date information.
Go to Application Homepage opens a new window
Award Amount and Details
CBCRP intends to fund one team, with a maximum direct cost budget of $100,000 and a maximum duration of 6 months. A separate direct cost budget of $25,000 is available for a dissemination plan.
Deadlines and Date Information
Application materials are available through the SmartSimple application and grant management system at https://rgpogrants.ucop.edu/ opens a new window.
A webinar was held Monday, May 24, 2023. Presented were instructions on how-to to navigate the application process in SmartSimple and application requirements. Slides and video of this webinar are available below:
- Slides opens a new window (pdf)
- Video opens a new window (mp4)
Eligibility Information
Any individual or organization in California may submit an application. The research must be conducted primarily in California by Principal Investigators who are resident in California.
University of California Campus Employees: In accord with University of California policy, investigators who are University employees and who receive any part of their salary through the University must submit grant proposals through their campus contracts and grants office (“Policy on the Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts through the University,” Office of the President, December 15, 1994). Exceptions must be approved by the UC campus where the investigator is employed.
Please see RFQ for full eligibility information.