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Short-Term Research Stays for Graduate Students

Alianza MX provides funding for UC graduate students to complete research stays of up to 3 months in Mexico, with the objective of supporting the pursuit of specific research objectives. Research activities should focus on topics that are specific to Mexico; topics on California-Mexico or US-Mexico relations; topics of comparative analysis between Mexico and California or the United States; or binational solutions to strategically important multi-disciplinary challenges in areas such as climate change, health, or migration.

Go to Application Homepage

Award Amount and Details

Award Details

Funds may be used to supplement existing fellowship support, including:

  • Up to $1,500 per month toward local living expenses
  • Up to $800 total for one round trip to and from the research site
  • And up to $150 monthly toward short-term health insurance if not enrolled in UC SHIP during the term of the stay.

Deadlines and Date Information

Due Date

Eligibility Information

Who's Eligible
Eligibility Details

Applicants must be currently enrolled in a master’s or doctoral-level program at a UC campus, and they must be hosted by a faculty member or researcher at a host institution in Mexico. The student’s research project plan must be approved by both a UC faculty advisor and Mexican host.

Administering Unit
Alianza UCMX
Funding Type
Important Note These opportunities have been collated for the benefit of the campus community, but in all cases viewers should refer to the pages of the hosting unit for the most current/accurate information.