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AlianzaMX Open Funding Opportunities

University of California AlianzaMX is excited to announce current and upcoming funding opportunities:

  • Small Grants for Conferences & Travel
    up to $5,000 - due May 13, 2024
    These small grants are available to support UC travel to Mexico to present research or host Mexico related events at a UC campus between October 2024 and March 2025.
  • 2025 Seed Funding Opportunity for Mobilities to Mexico
    up to $50,000 - due September 27, 2024
    UC faculty and administrators can apply for Seed Funding to carry out short term mobility programming in Mexico between September 2025 and August 2026.
  • Latino Studies Projects 
    up to $150,000 - due June 3, 2024
    UC researchers can submit a proposal for a research project focused on Latino, Hispanic, or Chicano communities in California and connections to Mexico.