Justin B. Richland (PhD UCLA Anthropology, 2004; JD UC Berkeley, 1996) is Professor of Anthropology and Law (Affiliate) at University of California, Irvine. and Faculty Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. His scholarship and advocacy concern the contemporary governance of Native Nations, and the political and legal relationships between Native Nations and Non-Native governments, agencies, and institutions. He is the author of three books, Arguing with Tradition, The Language of Law in Hopi Tribal Court (U. Chicago, 2008),(with Sarah Deer), Introduction to Tribal Legal Studies, 3rd Edition (Rowman and Littlefield, 2015) and Cooperation without Submission: Indigenous Jurisdictions in Native Nation-US Engagements (U. Chicago, 2021). Since 2009, he has served as Associate Justice of the Hopi Appellate Court, the highest court of the Hopi Nation. In 2016, he was named a J.S. Guggenheim Fellow.