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California HIV/AIDS Research Program (CHRP): Community-Centered Research Collaboratives to Address Local HIV-Related Syndemics Across California 2022

With this Call for Applications, CHRP primarily seeks to center the voices of persons who are highly affected by HIV in the planning, development, implementation, and dissemination of innovative research to improve HIV-related health outcomes in their local communities. To do this, CHRP will fund multiple collaborative research teams who will work with community members to identify HIV-related syndemic outcomes that are important to that community, jointly create a research agenda including evidence-based interventions to improve those outcomes, implement research projects to serve that agenda, and disseminate research results with and for that community. Specifically, this research initiative aims to:

  1. Establish new or strengthen existing multi-sector research partnerships which center specific communities that are highly affected by HIV;
  2. Support the shared development and implementation of research agendas toward ending HIV and addressing HIV-related syndemic outcomes that concern the centered community;
  3. Form a community of practice to increase the likelihood of success as the teams implement the research projects from their agendas;
  4. Hold the collaboratives accountable for making the results of the research accessible and actionable to the community at its center once the research is complete.

Go to Application Homepage

Award Amount and Details

Award Amount
Award Details

Each award will support up to four years of related activities. Total budget for all four years is limited to $1,400,000 in direct costs ($350,000 per year for four years), which can be unevenly distributed across the four-year project period.

Deadlines and Date Information

Due Date

Call for Applications Release: Friday, April 1, 2022

Webinar for Applicants: Thursday, April 21, 2022, 12-1 PM (recording will be available)

Letters of Intent (LOI) Due: Thursday, May 19, 2022, 12:00 PM Pacific Time

Invited Applications Due: Thursday, July 21, 2022, 12:00 PM Pacific Time

Notification of Peer Review Outcome: Thursday, November 10, 2022

Performance Period: February 1, 2023 – January 31, 2027

Eligibility Information

Who's Eligible
Eligibility Details

Principal Investigators (API and CPIs) from non-profit research, academic, or community-based institutions located in California are eligible to apply. Current recipients of CHRP research funding are eligible to apply for funding under this initiative. US citizenship is not a requirement. 

Applicant PIs who do not yet hold “Principal Investigator” status at their institution may apply for this funding mechanism if they include assurance from their institution that such status would be granted if the application were selected for funding.

Administering Unit
California HIV/AIDS Research Program (CHRP) - UC
Funding Type
Important Note These opportunities have been collated for the benefit of the campus community, but in all cases viewers should refer to the pages of the hosting unit for the most current/accurate information.